
Stantec Engineering has been working with the Board of Directors and the HOA landscaper to improve pond bank conditions. Pond banks will be left un-cut from the water edge to approx 24” up. This is to allow landscape growth and improvement to the banks.  

Homeowners are asked to be very careful when using fertilizers in their rear yard. The chemical that washes into the pond when it rains is resulting in negative conditions on the pond surface.  See attached reports about storm drain ponds that are informative on homeowner maintenance of ponds.

Aquatic System Reports

March 2024
February 2024
December 2022
December 2022
October 2022
June 2022
January 2021
January 2020

Chemicals Used in the Ponds

Alligare Fluridone
Liquid Alum
Aqua-King Plus
Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate
DMA™ 4 IVM Herbicide
Polaris AC
Roundup Custom[TM] for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use



Strategies to Encourage Adoption of Stormwater Management
Stormwater Ponds: A Citizen’s Guide to Their Purpose and Management

Stormwater Systems in Your Neighborhood
Questions Answered About Stormwater Ponds And Why We Need Them